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Komisioni i Pavarur i Mediave priti në takim përfaqësues nga Advocacy Training and Resource Center

13 July 2021

The Independent Media Commission today held a working meeting with the civil society organization Advocacy Training and Resource Center - ATRC.

The Chairman of the IMC Mr. Xhevat Latifi, Vice President Mr.Granit Musliu and the Chief Executive Officer of the IMC Mr. Faruk Rexhaj received in this meeting the representative from ATRC Mrs. Mediana Bislimi and Mr. Kushtrim Kaloshi.

In his introductory speech, the President Mr. Latifi said that he is happy for the start of cooperation between the IMC and ATRC and expressed his readiness as President to further deepen this cooperation between institutions.

Following the meeting, the possibilities for future cooperation were discussed and examined, where they could participate in joint projects.

On the IMC side, institutional support could be provided in the area of ​​monitoring audio and audio-visual media services.

While the ATRC said that it can help identify media that commit various violations, mainly in terms of the use of hate speech in the media.

But this can only be clearly and precisely defined in the purpose of a potential joint project. Particularly the focus that a project should have is to report on possible violations and the effect these violations may have on the general public.

Independent Media Commission