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IMC held workshops related to the protection of children in the media

20 May 2024

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) on May 16-17, 2024, in cooperation with the organization Terre des Hommes (TDH), has held an important workshop that aims to address the issue of child protection in the media and media content in Kosovo. This event aimed to discuss the current level of child protection, analyze the existing legal framework and examine the protective and educational mechanisms that are in force. By bringing together representatives from various institutions and relevant actors to discuss the level of protection of children in the media and media content in Kosovo, the workshop has managed to raise inter-institutional cooperation in order to advance a safer media environment. for children.
The workshop included participants from various organizations such as the IMC, the People's Advocate, Terre des Hommes Kosovo (TDHK), the Council of Written Media of Kosovo (KMSHK), Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), the University of Pristina (UP) and the Coalition for Protection of Children (KOMF). This diverse composition guarantees a comprehensive approach to the challenges and opportunities in the field of child protection in the media.
During the workshop, key topics such as the protection of children from media content, responsible and ethical reporting, as well as issues of privacy and identity protection of children, and appropriate media reporting of domestic violence cases were addressed. Discussions focused on how the media can report on children without violating their rights and how to ensure that broadcast content is appropriate and safe for young audiences.
An important aspect of this workshop was the role of civil society in the protection of children. Non-governmental organizations and civil society play an essential role in monitoring media content and raising awareness among the public and institutions about the importance of child protection.
The workshop has resulted in several cooperation recommendations that are expected to be implemented in 2024